8 Character Traits That Poison Family Life
8 Character Traits That Poison Family Life Not everyone is blessed with a good character. Every person has a unique personality and has his or her own understanding of how to deal with difficulties. It’s often easier to come to a resolution in an argument if the involved people agree to treat each other with respect and pave a path towards compromise instead of creating unbearable conditions due to their disagreeable behavior. Bright Side tried to figure out which personal character traits are unhelpful when it comes to conflict resolution. 8. A habit of making decisions for two Although it can sometimes be really nice to have someone solve all of your problems and allow you not to have to worry about anything, it’s not always a sign of love. If someone makes all of the decisions for you all of the time and doesn’t take your opinion into account, it’s worth asking yourself if this person really cares about you or if he or she just feels the need to dominate. 7. A wish...