Thinking of Quitting Your Job Because Of Your Difficult Boss? Wait A Minute - These Tips Can Help

Thinking of Quitting Your Job Because Of Your Difficult Boss? Wait A Minute - These Tips Can Help

People don't leave their jobs, they leave their managers - Margie Warrell

Okay, I felt really terrible last week Friday, the same day I co-incidentally published my article on MonkeyPox ( I was completely overwhelmed with these constant maltreatment and dehumanizing behavior that I could not take it anymore. I had some minutes alone and I was seriously considering the option of getting a transfer to another branch. Perhaps, I am not alone in my plight, new research has found that being overworked is not the reason people leave their jobs. A Danish study of 4,500 public service workers has provided credence to the adage that “people don't leave their jobs, they leave their managers.”  According to psychologist Matias Brødsgaard Grynderup, one of the researchers behind the study; "We may have a tendency to associate depression and stress with work pressure and workload; however, our study shows that the workload actually has no effect on workplace depression."

Truth be told, I am not perfect and errors may come from time to time but there are ready-made mechanisms for correction and motivating staff for optimal performance which should be employed by a Superior. In consequence, I also spoke to a colleague who doubles as my best friend in the branch about my impending transfer from Allen Avenue Branch I had plan to discuss with my Supervisor, but he gave some sensible suggestions on the best way to manage the situation. The conversation I had with Gbenga played an important role in the choice of discussion for this week and I would be referencing some of his brilliant tips in the course of this prodigious piece. You are most welcome.

v  Avoid Contact Except When Necessary - One of the ways to ensure that any ensuring impossible situation is averted or avoided is to ensure contact until only when it is exceptionally necessary. Gbenga noted that limiting the number of times I walk into that office will make things fare better. He also gave relatable instances of how this can be achieved. I believe we totally agree with his well-thought-out initiative.

v  Keep Your House in Order - We would all agree that one of the most important ways a subordinate can earn trust and confidence of his Superior is to ensure that he anticipates his Boss' demands and meets them before been asked to. Additionally, nobody likes a disorganized and unreliable person, ensuring that files and other important documents are neatly and safely arranged in their rightful places which makes it’s a lot easier to provide them upon request will go a long way to restore the much-needed respect from your Boss.

v  Do not Let It Affect Your Job - No matter how bad your Boss' behaviour, avoid letting it affect your work. You want to stay on good terms with other leaders in the company (and keep your job!). Don’t try to even the score by working slower, or taking excessive ‘mental health’ days or longer lunches. It will only put you further behind in your workload and build a case for your boss to give you the old heave-ho before you’re ready to go. (Source: 10 Brilliant Tips for Dealing with a Difficult Boss - THE MUSE EDITOR)

v  Be Positive - Another helpful tip that cushions the effect of the unpleasant situation of dealing with a difficult Boss is to ensure that we have a positive mindset. There must be something you like about your job, there must be something you like about the organisation. Keeping positive thoughts always ensures that there are less rooms for negative ones. We should also remember that Nothing last forever! Your Boss will not too.

v  Identify Triggers - If your Boss has anger management problems, identify what triggers their meltdowns and be extra militant about avoiding those.  For example, if your editor flips when you misspell a source’s name, be sure to double and triple-check your notes and if your Boss starts foaming at the mouth if you arrive a moment after 8:00AM, plan to get there at 7:45AM - Every, Single, Day. (Source: Dealing with Toxic Bosses)

Conclusively, I believe we need to address the term - "a difficult boss", What do you think make a Boss difficult?

God Bless Us All

Olusanya, Oluwole Sheriff
