I.            Things that keep you up at night: loneliness, cold, heat, hunger, late night texting, memories, over thinking, worries, the internet.
      II.            When you’re right, no one remembers. When you’re wrong, no one forgets.
    III.            A beautiful face attracts more partners than a beautiful body, according to a scientific survey.
  IV.            Kissing is healthier than shaking hands.
    V.            Human muscles are limited by our brain – we actually have the strength to move cars and boulders.
  VI.            When they see you're doing better without them, that is when they want you back.
VII.            The expiration date on water bottles is for the bottle, not the water.
VIII.            In 1973, China had an excess of females and offered the U.S. 10 million Chinese women.
   IX.            When studying something new, teach a friend about it. Let them ask questions. If you can teach something well, then you understand it well.
     X.            Honey does not spoil. You could feasibly eat 3000 year old honey.
   XI.            If someone truly loves you, they tend to hug you for at least 5 seconds or more.
 XII.            Women are better at remembering pretty girls' faces because they are seen as potential threats.
XIII.            Thantophobia, the fear of losing someone you love.
XIV.            Studies show that by eating a big breakfast, you won’t feel as hungry the rest of the day, which can lead to more nutritional food choices.
XV.            No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.

Which is the most weird fact? Please use the comments box. #FactsWithPendusky


Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.
