I.	Sun is so big that If the Sun was hollow, it would hold approximately 64.3 million moons or 1.3million Earths.
II.	A brain gets in good shape by memorizing a song.
III.	Girls obsess over male celebrities because it’s a safe way to express their own sexuality at a distance, without being sexually threatened.
IV.	Russians smile less than people from other part of the world, due in large part to a popular Russian proverb: “A smile without a reason is a sign of idiocy.”
V.	Flight from the sun takes eight minutes and twenty seconds to reach the earth.
VI.	The Sun is closer to earth than all other stars. And It's approximately 391 times as far away from earth as the moon.
VII.	The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
VIII.	Only 6% of doctors today are happy with their jobs.
IX.	It is also a known fact that people have a high chance of landing a new professional job if the wear glasses to the interview. Glasses are unconsciously interpreted as a sign of specialization or intelligence.
X.	And as far as physical pain, looking at a photo your loved one can reduce physical pain up to 44%. The effect is almost identical to that of a common analgesic.
XI.	Some people have a "natural alarm clock" allowing them to awake when they want. This is caused by a natural stress hormone.
XII.	Muphry’s Law is when you make a grammar mistake while trying to correct someone else's grammar
XIII.	The color you see in perfect darkness is "Dark Gray" not black and it is called "Eigengrau".
XIV.	A 10-second kiss can pass on 80 million bacteria.
XV.	Popcorn is by far the healthiest snack. It builds bone, muscle, tissue, aids digestion, and is good for the teeth.
