9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

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We at Bright Side are always curious about foreign countries and places, and the true enigma among them is North Korea.

We have collected 9 laws from this country that are not only weird to a foreigner but can be outright crazy.

9. 100% vote rate

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

It is illegal not to vote in North Korea. Therefore, everybody does. Every 5 years, the presidential elections are held, but no opposition can ever win.

8. Permission to live in the capital

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea 

You cannot freely move around the country. If you want to live in the capital, you’ll need to ask for permission with a formal letter to the government and be found worthy.

7. Restriction on capitalistic products

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

All types of products deemed to be capitalistic in style or production are forbidden, from personal hygiene items to clothing and food.

6. Must-watch law

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

North Korea has 3 TV stations, and they are all government controlled. Also, you are obliged to watch them so you know the current state of politics and the country’s development.

5. It’s the year 106 in North Korea.

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

North Korea uses the Juche calendar (Juche, meaning "self-reliance," is the official ideology). Year one is 1912, when Kim Il-sung was born.

4. 3 generations of punishment

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

If one person breaks the law, his children and parents will also be punished.

3. Approved haircuts only

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Fancy a new haircut? Try picking one from 28 state-approved styles. Those are the only ones allowed.

2. Owning a Bible is illegal.

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

The Big Book is not only forbidden but owning it is punishable.

1. Being a foreigner

9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

North Korean laws about visitors and immigrants of the country are so vague that you can be taken into custody for being a foreigner at any moment.


9 Crazy Laws That Only Exist in North Korea

Although the law is strict, there is one person it doesn’t apply to: the leader of the country.

Though still filled with mystery, North Korea opened up a little for us today. Do you know any laws from another country that seem crazy? Share with us!

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