I.            Erotomania is a psychological disorder where the sufferer has delusions that another person is in love with him or her.
      II.            70% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean.
    III.            Exercise - The more you circulate your blood through your body, the more vibrant you will look. Also, sweating helps detoxify your skin.
 IV.            Never give your secret to anyone because if you can't keep it to yourself doesn’t expect others to.
   V.            The tradition of men walking on the right side of women is such, so that they can easily pull out swords in case of a sudden attack.
 VI.            Happiness can be found when you stop comparing yourself to others.
VII.            The brain can store around 2.5 PETABYTES of data – that’s 2,500,000 Gigabytes, or 300 years worth of TV.
VIII.            Iceland's population is so small that an Icelandic company has created an anti-incest app to prevent Icelanders from dating their relatives.
  IX.            The Philippine island of Luzon contains a lake that contains an island that contains a lake that contains another island.
    X.            Studies show acting confidently is the surest key to success – If you fake it, you will make it.
  XI.            Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles the first year but kept going. Never give up.
XII.            Ahoy” was the original telephone greeting. Alexander Graham Bell suggested ‘ahoy’ (as used in ships), but was later superseded by Thomas Edison, who suggested ‘hello’ instead
XIII.            The very first phone call was: “Watson come here, I want you!”
XIV.            It was made on March 10, 1876 in Boston, Massachusetts, between Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas A. Watson
XV.            Misomaniac is someone who basically hates everything.


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Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.
