A WAY BACK INTO LOVE. All memories of you flash back each time I see you, We once were a pair, But now, all's gone with the air. So, I will throwaway my shame, Away with my hurt, Quench my Anger, Take down my pride, Just to be with you once again. A moment of your smile, Is far better than thoughts of what transpired. Am wary of my presence drawing questions of your absence, And I know these questions arise in your head as well, Even if I know not how you feel. So I ask, what's love without hurt, What's love without differences, Our good moments surpass the bad, I will trace my steps, path by path. In search for moments, piece by piece. Until each piece, leads me back to your heart. Purple Butterfly. 🦋 Imasuen Edward A. also known as EddyFlames with the signature - #PurpleButterfly is a banker whose passion for writing started at a very young age. He writes directly from his heart and He hopes to make the world a...