I.        People who complain online are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression and stress.
     II.        Go is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
    III.        Clothes – What we wear affects how we behave.
  IV.        Never leave something good to find something better, because once you realize you had the best, the best has found better.
    V.        Learning from your mistakes is wise, but learning from the mistakes of others is quicker and easier.
  VI.        Facebook causes you to overestimate how happy your friends are, and can make you more depressed.
 VII.        A study conducted by Harvard Researchers found women are happier when their male partners open up about being upset.
VIII.        Chameleon skin is made up of tiny, mirror-like crystals that reflect differing levels of light, allowing it to change color.
   IX.        Hypopituitarism is a rare disease that doesn't allow a person to feel love.
    X.        A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.

Which is the most weird fact? Please use the comments box. #FactsWithPendusky


Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.
