I.            Not a single engineer survived off the Titanic; they stayed on board to keep the power on so others could escape.
    II.            Foreign Accent Syndrome: A brain disorder that causes the sufferer to speak in a foreign accent, involuntarily.
  III.            According to scientists, men who grow beards easily and earlier in life have been found to be more likely to go bald.
IV.            Smiling slows down aging and prevents wrinkles.
  V.            There are about 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 possible ways to play the first 10 moves in a game of chess.
VI.            If you are nominated for an Oscar and lose, you get a $50,000 (18,000,000 naira) consolation prize.
VII.            The most visited place in Europe is Disneyland, Paris.
VIII.            Switzerland forbids late-night trips to the bathroom and flushing the toilet paper after 10 pm to avoid the noise pollution.
IX.            Learning never exhausts the mind - Leonardo da Vinci
   X.            According to a study, the two most common feelings that people tend to bring out in others are enthusiasm and boredom.
XI.            Usually, the people with the best advice are the ones with the most problems.
XII.            Nigeria has the highest rate of twin births in the world.
XIII.            In America, 40% of the births come from unmarried women.
XIV.            Apple has more money than the U.S. treasury.
XV.            South Africa is also called the “Rainbow Nation” because it has eleven official languages.

Which is the most weird fact? Please use the comments box. #FactsWithPendusky 

       Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.
