BUILDING A HOUSE To build a house, A heart is a site. Levelled to a foundation of love. Laid ready for construction. You'll need bricks A mixture of limestones and granites of smiles In a bath of laughing water It will go a thousand miles To make your walls stronger. Walls made with bricks of hope And impenetrable to pain. Make the windows gleam With rays of optimism. Against the breeze of failure. Unity is the pillar you need To hold this house. Then this house will stand forever And its rent will be peace of mind. ©®RUKENNY Esther Kalu Ndidi also known as Rukenny is budding poet, short story writer, content writer, freelance writer and journalist who explores her love for writing with the scribbles from her heart, with the aim of impacting positive change. She is a student of Mass Communication in Yaba College of Technology, Lagos.