I.            Crying is good for your health – Flushing unhealthy bacteria out of your body, strengthening the immune system and relieving stress.
      II.            80% of the time, it's not that a person changed....you just never knew who they actually were.
    III.            Using your phone while it's charging can damage the battery - This is why the cords for chargers are so short.
  IV.            Expiry date on bottle water is actually for the bottle not the water.
    V.            Hardest question to answer: "Describe yourself?"
  VI.            Studies show that by eating a big breakfast, you won’t feel as hungry the rest of the day, which can lead to more nutritional food choices.
VII.            Relationships last longer when you don't tell people your business.
VIII.            The man who invented pop-up ads has apologized to the world for creating one of the Internet's most hated forms of advertising.
   IX.            Humans are starting to live for documenting life events with photos and online posts, instead of actually living for the event.
     X.            Alcohol is not digested it get absorbed directly into the bloodstream
   XI.            The loudest noise ever recorded was the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. The sound travelled around the world multiple times.
 XII.            Even though hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs, only .1% of germs actually make us sick
XIII.            A person who sleeps too much, sits too much and isn't physically active enough is more than 4 times as likely to die early.
XIV.            Recipe for relaxation: exhale completely, inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds.
XV.            Walt Disney was a high school dropout and was fired by a newspaper editor because, “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” NEVER GIVE UP!!!

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About the Author: Ubong Effiong

Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank.
