My Valentine Experience
14th of February 2020: A Day I Will Never Forget.
'Hey baby' Mike called me so early in the morning to wish me Happy Valentine's Day. He began to flatter me and call me all sort of sweet names.
‘So where are we going today’ I asked him without any hesitation.
‘Anywhere you want to go baby, just tell me’
‘I'll think about it and call you back’ I replied, he told me goodbye and hanged up the phone. I started to think of where we could go but nothing came to my mind. I took a shower, got dressed, wore my makeup, sanitized myself and I stood by the balcony to enjoy the cool breeze.
Where can I go on this special day?’ I asked myself. A thought came to my mind saying today will be a normal day for me if I don't go anywhere. I got into my car and drove to Mike's house.
The gate was wide opened and everywhere looked so quiet.   Baby, you there?’ I yelled and yelled all to no response. I checked all the rooms to be sure he wasn't playing games but no one was there and there was no sign of any Valentine’s day decoration.
Where could Mike have gone to?’ I asked myself. I decided to call him but his number wasn't going through. I was about to leave when I saw a note on the table which read:
Grace, I'm really sorry but I don't think our relationship can work out anymore. I'm really really sorry it had to end this way. I knew you'd come here that's why I left a note cos I didn't know how to tell you earlier this morning. I'm so sorry.
I couldn't believe what I just read. How can Mike do this to me after everything we've been through together? I got into my car and drove home crying and thinking of what Mike did to me. I managed to get home safe. I could not drive well because I was in so much pain. I drove through the gate and parked my car. I was on my way in when I saw a note at my door step which read;
You're the best thing that has ever happened to me’ -  Love, Mike
‘What's going on here?’ I asked myself as I took another step forward. On entering the living room, I saw flowers everywhere, roses shaped in heart, chocolates and wine all over the table and candles enough to lighten up the atmosphere. The surprise was overwhelming. I got to my bedroom and saw something special on my bed. A question written with flowers. The question every woman wants to be asked. ‘Will you marry me?’. That's the question the flowers wrote on the bed and I screamed ‘ÝES’ without caution. Mike caught me unaware and held me in his arms. I was so happy. The day went from bad to good and I couldn't control myself. My Valentine’s day was unforgettable!!!!!!
‘Blessing! Blessing! Blessing! Wake up my friend it's past 12 already’ I opened my eyes and saw my mum splash water in my face. ‘So it was a dream???’ I was so disappointed but at least I had a nice Valentine experience in my dream. ‘Wait o, but how come my name was Grace??’ I asked myself and thought of another mystery to uncover. I burst into laughter and went back to sleep.

Happy Valentines’ Weekend.

 Igbi, Blessing Aderonke anchors - RonkeWrites. A weekly column on SHEGZSABLEZS’BLOG where she shares her novels, short stories, poems, inspirational/motivational books and quotes.  She is an undergraduate of English Education in the University of Lagos. She believes in true love and sincere friendship. She loves to offer advice on matters of the heart and hopes to become a famous writer and publish as many books as possible. Please follow her on Instragram @ronke16-official and Facebook @Blessing Igbi.


  1. A funny story but beautiful... I really enjoyed this, I wish you luck uncovering who grace is.. Yours, Festus

    1. Really funny. Thank you for your wonderful comment. Please continue to read more interesting post from the blog and tell your family and friends to do the same.


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