I.        Misophonia is a condition in which you are easily annoyed or angered by little sounds. Such as your coworker who eats or breathes loudly.
    II.        Australia literally lost a Prime Minister, who went for a swim and was never seen again.
   III.        In Detroit in the 1930s, a baby fell from a high window and landed on a man called Joseph Figlock who was passing in the street below. The baby and Figlock both survived the incidence. About a year later, the SAME baby fell from the SAME window and landed on the SAME man, and both survived it again.
  IV.        Three guys, triplets, separated at birth ended up all going to the same college and meeting each other.

Culled from funfacts.

About the Author
Here is what Andikan Inyang also known as 'Sparks' has to say about herself......................

As a Chemical Engineering graduate, former Immigration Officer, and present-day banker.....and most importantly, a foodie, I hide behind my pen.......therein lies my strength. I hope to pursue a career in writing and explore the world of poetry. So help me God.
