Never be quick to judge someone.
You don't know what they are going through.
You don't know what is going through them.
Let me share a story with u...
I was in the bus yesterday.
A man was sitting right in front of me at the extreme. I wasn't comfortable cos of his sitting position as i was heavily feeling pains on my legs. So along the way someone bedside him highlighted at a bus stop.  I was happy because that will make him to shift inside so that i would be able to stretch my aching folded legs. Unfortunately, this man did not shift!
They might seem fine and gay,
But you don't know if the sun is not shining on their hay!
I was furious
I murmured... and thought within myself, this man is an epitome of heartlessness. He knew I wasn’t comfortable where I was sitting, so why would he just decide to stick to that sit to continue making me uncomfortable, I thought within myself. I called him all sort of names my small brain could emit in my head... you won't blame me right?  Yes you cannot because I was in the middle of aches that doesn't seem ending. Though I knew the man wasn't comfortable too but he should have shifted to make himself comfortable and make me stretch my legs and be at ease. ...
The space was hell in a cell...
Later knew that was the reason that man did not shift to the space because he had long legs like mine... as the space could only be comfortable for a very short person.

Then I felt sorry for myself
Mr., please I’m sorry I never this is what you're going through.
I kept on calling him all sort of names not knowing he's seeing what I’m not seeing.
Finally this man highlighted at the next bus stop. Thank God!
I didn't even wait till he finished getting down before moving to that space he refused to shift to. Immediately, I kept adjusting my body... lo and behold. ... that sit was from a frying pan to the fire!
In fact I was better where I sat before, not only was my legs folded there too n aching, my bony buttocks started to pain. ... which kine wahala I come jump into this morning, I thought within myself. ..
Not only did I felt aches on my folded legs, I also because of impatience to move to where SEEM comfortable added a paining butt to it.
I felt remorseful till I got down
Now, that is how life is. This man did not utter a word, which is why even if someone is going through some things or don't want to take some steps or decisions we tend to quickly judge them, chastise them, condemn them. We don't know what they are seeing or feeling because they refused to tell u.
I told him to shift, don’t know if he heard or not. But that is how it is, you might ask them what is going on and they might either refuse to talk to you about it or simply just tell "I’m fine". Then you'll hold on to go ahead and judge them, he told me he's fine so he's just being heartless and cruel intentionally!
So even if you're not seeing any excuse for people's action, b calm and patient, learn and observe!
Some things are better not said and they are best understood than some things voiced with less understanding.
There's no end or limit to patience.
I don't believe in "I'VE BEEN PATIENT ENOUGH"
You are only losing it.
You are only losing your patience!
You can never be patient enough
You've only been riding it rough
You have only been having it tough!
Never be quick to judge people's actions, behavior or character.
If they give half of what is stuck in their life, you might not live to tell the story!

Source: Mccollybright.blogspot.com.ng

About The Author: Adeshile Adekolajo

Adeshile Adekolajo is a graduate from the University of Abuja, He works for Ntel Nigeria and we owns - Mccollybright.blogspot.com

He is a writer, blogger and poet, to read more of his interesting and educative articles, please log on to - mccollybright.blogspot.com.ng
