Matt Nordgren In “The New Business Casual”

We sat down with the "most eligible man in Dallas" to talk about life and boxer briefs

Written by Kiran Goraya

How things have changed in the typical office environment. We went through an era of super stuffy suits to the polar opposite, with way casual gear becoming more and more acceptable in many places of work.  All of a sudden your coworkers were showing up in sloppy un-tucked shirts and chinos with sandals.

Thankfully, we’re now increasingly seeing young men resorting back to the days of looking and feeling sharp – yet not in the old-school manner that was dictated to them by their dads or college professors. We’re talking impeccably tailored suits with a flair in the lapels, fabrics and colors. Playful bowties, pocket squares and tie bars. Brogues with neon soles and socks that pop. It’s the age of having fun with the details in menswear, all while remaining polished. And we got one of these young, handsome and successful fellas, Bravo’s Most Eligible Dallas star Matt Nordgren, to demonstrate what this new business casual looks like.

All ties, bowties and tie bars by

Look 1: Sweater by Zara, Shirt by Michael Kors, Watch by Nixon

Look 2: Jacket by Zara, Shirt by Calvin Klein, Hat by H&M, Watch my MSTR

Look 3: Shirt by Zara, Hat by H&M

Look 4: Shirt by ASOS

Look 5: Sweater by H&M, Shirt by Zara

Meet The “Most Eligible” Matt Nordgren

What qualifies one as “most eligible” in their city? Perhaps it’s the handsome combo of blue eyes, blond hair and dimples. Or being partner in a booming family business and giving back generously to the community.

In this case, there’s no mystery why Matthew Nordgren was cast on Bravo’s Most Eligible Dallas. The charming Texan gentleman can also check pro football quarterback off the list, as he played briefly with the Philadelphia Eagles (until an injury halted his career) and previous to that with the University of Texas.

We sat down with Matt to discuss life after reality TV, what’s he’s got in store next, and of course what type of underwear he rocks.

The GM: What are you currently working on?

Matt: “I’ll have a part in another Bravo show, Courtney Loves Dallas. I’m also working on a feature film in Texas based on JFK, two other reality shows that I’m deciding between – one in Dallas, actually based on the TV show Dallas, featuring oil families (which my family is part of). The other is a real-time reality show based in LA. Both would be filming this spring.”

What were the pros and cons you experienced from starring in a reality show?

“For me it was all pros. It depends what you do with it – if you don’t handle it the right way, if you don’t spin it in a positive way and get caught up in the glitz and glamor of being a reality show star – it can go bad.  The show has been beneficial when it comes to exposure for my foundation, ‘The Leadership Foundation,’ and that alone is enough for me. We’ve been able to do a few events since, such as one in New York where we raised a bunch of money for ‘New York Needs You,’ a program helping inner city youth programs elevate. We also did an event in Dallas with my good friend Matthew McConaughey and the Texas Rangers for ‘J.K. Living Foundation,’ an inner city after school program.”

 Your favorite moment in your football career?

“As much as I’d like to say it was in the NFL, it was really the national championship game in college. I played with the University of Texas, we had a game against USC which we won last minute and it went down as one of the greatest game ever. That moment won’t ever be topped in my life, until maybe marriage and children. That’s my #1 memory right now (laughs).”

What advice would you give Tony Romo?

“He’s actually a very good friend, I’ve known him  for 10 years now. My advice is to keep his head up. He’s gotten away from extracurricular activities like golf etc., he’s focused and he has played great before. Tony got married and had a child with a wonderful woman. He’s got his life very simplified, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s taking all the necessary steps to give it his best shot, and my advice is to just keep it simple: Focus on family and work.”

Now when it comes to your style – skinny ties or wide ties?

“Skinny ties.”

Boxers or briefs?

“Boxer briefs! Or nothing at all…”

What was your favorite look from our photo shoot?

“The camo jacket by Zara and black skinny tie with gold tie bar.”

Style tip for our readers?

“Keep it simple and fitted. I’m a big believer in simple clothes that fit right.”

Kiran Goraya

