Tie Bar 101: The Ultimate Guide to Tie Bars

Where to clip it, how wide it should be, and everything else you need to know

Written by Gus Penton

Give a man a tie bar and he looks good for a day. Teach a man how to wear a tie bar and he will look Dappertastic™ for a lifetime.

Tie Bar 101: The Ultimate Guide to the Essential Accessory is your roadmap to becoming a tie bar aficionado.

What tie bar width looks best?

For the modern man, a tie bar should extend 1/2 to 3/4 of the way across the width of your tie. For a more classic or retro look, select a tie bar that matches the full width of your tie. No matter your preference, never wear a tie bar that extends beyond the width of your tie or the Gods of Style will smite thee with a bolt of lightning.

Where should I clip it?

The placement of your tie bar can make or break the look.  The ideal placement for a tie bar is around the middle to bottom of your sternum between the 3rd and 4th buttons on your shirt. If you clip too high, this functional accessory is rendered ineffectual.  Too low and you may start looking a bit awkward — especially when you lean forward. Within “the sweet spot,” a lower placement is more classic while a higher placement can create a slimming effect.

Another thing to consider when clipping your tie bar is where you jacket buttons at the top. The best tie bar placement allows the tie bar to be seen even with your suit jacket buttoned all the way up.

What color tie bar should I wear?

If you prefer to play it safe, go with gray or silver, with gold a close second. Try to match the metal polish of your tie bar with your jacket buttons, cufflinks, watch or belt buckle. If you feel it compliments your style, don’t be afraid to wear less common metals and go with patterned, colored or novelty tie bars. A wild or funky tie bar can add pop to an otherwise subdued outfit. The color of the tie is worth taking into consideration when choosing a tie bar but there are no hard and fast rules.

When should I wear a tie bar?

The right time to wear a tie bar is always and forever. Not only does a tie bar help keep your necktie out of your bowl of cornflakes, it is the simplest and time-tested way to stand apart from the herd.  Whether you’re wearing a three-piece suit or a pair of blue jeans, a tie bar is a welcome addition to any outfit that includes a necktie. So go the extra mile and pick up a few tie bars — you’ll thank us later.

Gus Penton

Gus Penton is a writer for ‘The Gentlemanual’ and a freelance digital marketing consultant.He treats life as if it were an extended working vacation, loves everything surfing, and learning about other cultures. Gus is also a Florida State University graduate. Go Noles!

