
Showing posts from 2020


Staying Spiritually Consistent in 2020. Part B. The major concern of a lot of people is about maintaining consistency. The year is new, a lot of energy, goals, passions, prophecies and all the whatnots, but by February some folks are back to their imperfect lives. With no confidence and a hurting conscience due to several mistakes and failures made in less than two months. In line with the train of thought in the last post, the following things are thoughts you should act on to put on the transferred-perfection of Jesus so that it is expressed through you every day. And that way you can maintain a consistent spiritual fervor to carry you through the year.       I.         Realize that Jesus is the only perfect person, and all forms of perfect behavior you can desire are achieved and resident in Him. He is perfection personified and He has made provisions for His perfection to be transferred to you. For your dail...


          I.         A recent study shows that exercising for an hour a day may be enough to counteract the harmful effects of sitting for long periods.      II.         “Synesthesia” is a neurological condition that can cause a person to see, smell and taste music.       III.         One cigarette contains enough toxic ingredients to kill a person if those ingredients were directly injected into the bloodstream - http://   IV.         There's no scientific evidence that shows sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes.     V.         The Sun is white, not yellow.   VI.         More people visit France than...


  Mental Effectiveness Programming Some of us know we need to get things done to improve our lives, but somehow we seem unable to do those very things. It is not always procrastination, and it is not always laziness which keep us away from doing the very things that grow us.  The cause is being 'distanced' at the core of your being from those things you must do that, probably, you used to do. This happened by having stopped doing them, or not having done them at all.  If you must study to improve your mind but can't seem to get yourself to study, or no longer enjoy solitary times, what you need do is program your mind to accept and reinforce the fact that continual study will surely improve your mind.  If you must improve on interpersonal relationships, program your mind to accept that meeting people expands not only your network but also your experience and awareness. If you must pray, program your mind to accept that prayer indeed works and bri...