I.        If you’re lucky to be allowed to visit North Korea as a tourist, a government official will be assigned to you to watch every step you make. Every interaction, photograph, and visit a tourist makes must first be approved by the government.
     II.        Majority in the world are blessed to have rights to their own personal style. But in North Korea, there are only government-approved hair styles. You can't have a hair cut apart from the government-approved hair styles.
    III.        You will be violating the law to make an international call in North Korea, even putting your life at risk. In 2007, a man was alleged to have been shot and killed by the government after making a number of international calls.
  IV.        There are no Windows computers or Macs in North Korea. Computers are made by a state-made operating system.

    V.        No Wi-Fi in North Korea. Wi-Fi is also banned at North Korean embassies around the world.
  VI.        There are only two countries where Coke is not sold: North Korea and Cuba.
 VII.        North Korea is home to more than 25 million people, who live under a form of communist rule, which strictly controls all areas of daily life.
VIII.        All TVs and radios are tuned to state channels and people caught listening to foreign broadcasts face harsh punishments.
   IX.        These controls mean that most North Koreans may have little or no idea of world events, or how their country is thought of by the outside world.
    X.        North Korea is home to more than 25 million people, who live under a form of communist rule, which strictly controls all areas of daily life.

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Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.
