MY EXPERIENCE WITH A MUSLIM STRANGER I schooled in the north, lived there for more than 6 years, among the most kind-hearted people in the world...Muslims precisely...believe me, are kind!!!! You go to the market to buy NGN100 fresh tomatoes, the jara that they add ehh, just because I managed to say inakwana (good morning in hausa) more than the tomato you even bought!! You take a motorcycle (achaba), and if he doesn’t have change, he smiles and allows you go with your money after saying " Allah ba de sa " Pardon me, but most of you can attest to the fact that they are very hospitable. Sometimes in the past, when I had to pick up my NYSC call-up letter in school, I travelled to Yola and there was an 8:00am curfew I was not aware of, so I had to stay over in Jalingo because I arrived at Taraba State by 8:30pm, which is still 2hours away from Yola. I was lost, alone in a strange city; I didn’t know anybody in the bus. When we alighted to look for acc...