I don't want to make it to the gates of heaven,
I want to make it IN!
I don't want to beg Angel Gabriel,
To please let me in.

The streets are made of gold I hear,
Tarred with precious stones unheard,
Millions of Angels giving praise,
Oh!! I can't wait to take my place.

Because the world is worse than it was before,
People fighting and killing with no remorse,
Men becoming women and women becoming men,
I fear it's almost the end.

Turn on the TV and what do you see?
Half naked musicians spewing meaningless lyrics,
"Le le le le give it to me fine geh"
Is all we ever hear!!

You just think it can't get any worse,
Until you watch another man kiss Jamal,
Yes!! Jamal of Lucious Lyon's Empire!
I can't wait for Heaven's hostile takeover!

Our cartoons have also been infiltrated,
Educational and inspiring content now diluted,
Less of Alvin and the chipmunk,
More of mermaids and wizards of Oz.

The government makes promises upon promises,
Our economy is still down and at a standstill,
The rich keep getting richer,
And the poor, even poorer.

Come back home to the church,
Supposed to be a pillar of support,
Divided because of contradicting doctrines,
Jewelry is a sin too? I don't agree

My heart aches many won't be ready,
To meet my Lord, the King of Mercy,
When He appears in all His glory,
And the Angels sound the trump of victory.

I pray at the end of my time on earth,
When I have fought the fight and kept the faith,
I won't get stranded at Heaven's gate,
Screaming Angel Gabriel Please let me in!!

Have a blessed weekend!!!

About the Author
Here is what Andikan Inyang also known as 'Sparks' has to say about herself......................

As a Chemical Engineering graduate, former Immigration Officer and present day banker.....and most importantly, a foodie, I hide behind my pen.......therein lies my strength. I hope to pursue a career in writing and explore the world of poetry. So help me God.
