The real purpose of purple color corrector

Color corrector


Color corrector is a skin savior, but with so many different shades on offer it's hard to remember what color addresses what skin concern. Purple is generally available in lilac and lavender tints and is said to be one of the more popular shades of color corrector on the market. According to cosmetics giant Estee Lauder, it's best used to correct discoloration, neutralizing any yellowness you may be experiencing, and evening out skin tone. However, according to Ashleigh Ciucci, a makeup artist based in New York City, it can be used for so much more.

Speaking to Allure, Ciucci said she believes purple color corrector is actually best used as a highlighter, particularly on those with fair skin. "Champagnes can be too warm and flat whites can be too chalky," she explained. "That's where purple color corrector comes in." If you apply it after foundation, Ciucci claims purple color corrector will work wonders. "By using a creamy light lavender cream, you create a soft halo of light that almost reads opalescent," she continued.

Purple highlighters are more common than you think

Color corrected make up

Ciucci's claims are not as wild as you might think. New York City makeup artist Min Min Ma has always been a big believer of using highlighters that are purple, so purple color corrector should be no different. "Purple highlighters are pretty, very easy to wear and there's no reason to be intimidated," Ma told Allure. "I treat them as I would with any highlighter," she continued, however, she does advise popping on a warmer highlighter first to avoid it looking ashy or chalky.

To incorporate purple color corrector or highlighter into your beauty routine, Ma recommends opting for a more natural look. "In lieu of an eyeshadow, apply the highlighter onto the eyelids and continue towards the high part of your cheekbones," she suggests.

So whether you're looking to correct yellowness, give your skin a healthy glow, or both, purple color corrector is the way to go.

