Converting The Soul… Part 1. Positively Altering Your Personality, And Enjoying Your Relationship with Anyone.

Everyone has a personality type that was not chosen by them but they grew and find themselves behave in particular ways, different from others and similar to others. And no one chooses their personality. That’s the first thing we will establish, you didn’t choose your make-up.

Some people are extroverted, others, introverted…

Some bold, another timid…

Some logical, another emotional…

Some restless, another calm

Some autocratic, another mediating in nature…

All of these are things in us we found ourselves with…

The aim here is not to talk on the personality differences or describe them, but rather to know how whatever personality type we have, we can live happily with anyone, be it a spouse, a colleague, sibling, a partner etc.

It is important to know that every personality has its place in the earth and in God’s plan, Hence, “I am beautifully and wonderfully made


At some point, we may have wished we are more outspoken or more reserved or wished we were someone else but today you can breathe and say with the Psalmist and Paul; “I am beautifully and wonderfully made, no condemnation” Eph. 2:10

The first step to altering your personality and submerging its flaws is…

1. To accept it…

What you do not accept, you cannot change

Are you talkative? welcome yourself, are you shy welcome yourself? are you playful? accept yourself, are you easily irritated? accept it.

Whatever thing that you do that makes you judge yourself as imperfect but yet… it’s a part of you, you have to welcome it.

Here’s why, if you don’t accept it, you feel insecure and with that anxiety not even God can help because the rule is “be anxious for nothing.” Phil 4:6

So accept it and love yourself.

2. After accepting, know that you are not stuck with the personality type you have. Now this is very important. After you love and accept yourself, two ways come to you.

One, you have the tendency to become self-absorbed and believing this is the way you are…and thus you go on yielding to all your proclivities

So for example, you talk too much, then you say “I like talking, that’s just who I am

And then what happens is that some relationship begins to slip away from you, Now, nothing bad with talking. It’s fun, especially when you make sense at least. And that’s how you express yourself the most and stay happy and sane but the truth is you can change it and talk even less.

The second way and the right way is to now say, “I accept myself but now, I want to improve on my excesses.”

And that is where change begins.

So accept yourself but know you are not stuck with the less than perfect you.

3. As you desire change know that God is more interested in this change even than you, so you have help

And here is the key

Your maker is the only person that can alter your personality without psychological damages or aftermaths. I will repeat, you are not stuck with your personality.

When you got saved, encoded inside you is a spirit that can alter and rewrite the codes of your soul. So, let it dawn on you, that every flaw in you has its override code in your spirit man. You are daily walking about with the solution you desire to your character.

As you mourn and your heart aches from condemnation and judgementalism. The spirit within you carries the change you desire. As you roll on your bed sleepless from insecurity, the answer is inside you. So, how do you get the change.

1. Pick the flaws one after another

For example

If a person says, ‘I notice I’m quite irritable… I easily get pissed with “dumb” people

I’m not patient enough to teach anyone’ Then, pick that impatience up.

There are 9 characters in your spirit.





    Faithfulness, loyalty, fidelity.

    Gentleness, patient in instructing and leading others.




So, take the flaw, in this case, a person that is easily irritated, it’s natural for some people, they can’t help it. Take that flaw, and take the exchange codes of love, peace, and long-suffering.

2. And begin to yield to the inner you.

Not just confessions alone but yielding to the spirit inside you. For every time, you have the opportunity to lose it, and get irritated, love will tug on your heart.

For every time you have the opportunity to be talkative, temperance, self-control will tug on your heart. For every time, you have the opportunity to be obnoxious, gentleness will impress your heart. So, yield to it.

As you pass up these opportunities you begin to rewrite the codes of your personality.

The more you yield to the inner workings of the spirit the more your personality begins to deviate from the flawed to the divine

So, yielding to the character of the spirit in you over a period of time will rewrite the codes of your soul.

Your personality will change as you allow yourself to yield to the solution inside you.

So, if you want to change any part of your personality, just accept it, know you are not stuck with it, God is interested in that change and take it and begin to yield to the override that pulls on your heart.

Anyone can change their personality, you can become more outspoken, you can become more calm, you can become less selfish, you can become more patient.

You can change yourself by yielding to the spirit inside you

Give yourself sometime of going at it by the help of God, don’t quit and a new version of you will emerge.

The process can be faster if you take like 3hrs a day in meditating on scriptures and praying in the Holy Ghost. You’ll see changes in one week and if you stay with it, it will be permanent - totally changed.

Joel Osoba is a bible teacher and businessman focused on teaching and inspiring people to find, follow and fulfill God's plan for their life.

He believes that finding, following and fulfilling God's plans is the true meaning of success in life. Please read more of his epic pieces on -
