I am happy to announce that this is the final episode on the topic "Beware of Pride". The first and second episode discussed the meaning of pride, its effects, and most importantly, how to get rid of pride.

In today's episode, I will conclude on tips to get rid of pride. Yes!!!! You can get rid of that pride. It may sound strange or funny but it actually has a cure. It's all about getting rid of the old trait (pride) and imbibing a new trait (humility). Here are some more useful tips on how to get rid of pride. 

Be ready to correct your mistakes - It's one thing to admit your mistakes and it's another thing to take to correction. A humble person will always take to correction and make things right. Nobody is above mistake but it is important to admit your mistake, listen to correction and be ready to correct your mistakes. 

Do away with competition - This point can be interpreted in several ways but it's best understood when explained with illustrations and realistic examples. Do not compete with anyone because the moment you start doing that, it will affect your relationship with other people. In episode one of the topic "Beware of Pride”, I stated that a proud fellow is an insecure fellow. It is better to be yourself and let everyone see the good in you than to engage in unhealthy competition against anyone. 

Do not let too much appreciation get into your head - Almost everyone is guilty of this act. The moment you start receiving too much praise for any work done and it's already getting into your head, you are a proud fellow. Such person will begin to rub shoulders with everyone and it will definitely affect your relationship with others. I believe praises and appreciation should help an individual improve better than before instead of making such individual proud. 

Be willing to serve others - No matter the position or status you occupy; you should not think too highly of yourself. Be willing to help and serve others. Serve and show respect to those that are higher than you in all aspects of life. 

Do not boast about your achievements - It is a bad habit to boast about your titles, degrees, awards and so on. Rather than boast, let people notice your achievements and respect you for it. When you begin to boast about what you have, you might make those who have nothing to show forth feel less of themselves. The best thing to do is to encourage and strengthen those that are weaker than you.

Submit to authorities higher than you - It is important to be submissive to those higher than you. You have to respect authority figures like your parents, mentors, leaders, pastors, Imam, teachers and so on. Doing this shows you are a humble person.      

There are several ways to get rid of pride and most of these tips are what you can discover and learn on your own. If you are a proud person and needs to change, the time is now. Learn to be humble and learn from the humble. Make good use of the tips I have shared and discover new tips on your own too. These tips or traits should be positive rather than negative. If you've started seeing effects of your pride, it is time to change. Like I always say, it's all about getting rid of the old character (pride) and imbibing a new character (humility). Remember there is no problem without a solution. I hope you've learnt something wonderful? Share with your friends and families, especially those that are guilty of pride. I will leave you with this. "It is only a fool that will be full of himself".

 Igbi, Blessing Aderonke anchors - RonkeWrites. A weekly column on SHEGZSABLEZS’BLOG where she shares her novels, short stories, poems, inspirational/motivational books, and quotes.  She is an undergraduate of English Education at the University of Lagos. She believes in true love and sincere friendship. She loves to offer advice on matters of the heart and hopes to become a famous writer and publish as many books as possible. Please follow her on Instagram @ronke16-official and Facebook @Blessing Igbi.
