Beware Of Pride (Part 1)

Pride is the feeling of self-regard and personal worth rated beyond normal. Pride can also be interchanged with ego. As you may already know, pride is a major force in our world today and many people have lost great opportunities as a result of pride. Pride blindfolds us and this is why proud people lose opportunities that come their way. It doesn't allow us know the difference between right and wrong. As human beings, we should beware of pride.  Pride and insecurity go together.

A proud fellow is an insecure fellow. Even the Bible warns about pride. Pride can even make you rub shoulders with God. I know very well that it doesn't end well for people with pride. Here are some effects of pride: 

You will make mistakes: Yes, you will make certain mistakes because you won't take correction. When people try to correct you about certain things that are wrong, you won't accept their opinion.

You will lose friends around you:  Nobody wants to be friends with a proud person. Your friends will gradually distance themselves away from you because of your pride and they will surely say negative things about you which will eventually tarnish your reputation. 

You will lose great opportunities: Like I said, pride blindfolds you to see opportunities around you. Nobody wants to be a business partner with a proud person. Success is a ladder, the first is always the hardest and you have to go through so many trials before you can get to the top. A proud person cannot do all these and will eventually lose great opportunities.  

There is no such thing as pride is for the young and immature. Anyone can be guilty of pride. It is best to live a life of humility and good things will come forth.

Thanks for reading. We will continue in our next episode

 Igbi, Blessing Aderonke anchors - RonkeWrites. A weekly column on SHEGZSABLEZS’BLOG where she shares her novels, short stories, poems, inspirational/motivational books, and quotes.  She is an undergraduate of English Education at the University of Lagos. She believes in true love and sincere friendship. She loves to offer advice on matters of the heart and hopes to become a famous writer and publish as many books as possible. Please follow her on Instagram @ronke16-official and Facebook @Blessing Igbi.


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