I'm a murderer

I killed you a thousand times and more

Yes, I did it!

Like a cobra,

I had a poisonous venom of hate

For you and all that you are

I never stopped wishing I was you.


I'm beautiful

But your beauty competes with the sun

Your ray glows even brighter

So I wished I was the rain

Thundering and falling

With my dark clouds

So you'll never shine again.


I thought I was hardworking

But your strength reminded me

Of how lazy I was

It was like a lion's

It was always you!!

I hated you the more

More than before.

I couldn't say why I did it!

The feeling was strong and taunting

And It whispered

How I should have been you

Living your life and fame

And everyone singing my name.


So, I killed you countless times in my mind.

Still, I couldn't be you!



Esther Kalu Ndidi also is known as Rukenny is a budding poet, short story writer, content writer, freelance writer and journalist who explores her love for writing with the scribbles from her heart, with the aim of impacting positive change. She is a student of Mass Communication in Yaba College of Technology, Lagos.
