I.        According to a study, wishing someone luck makes them do better.

     II.        29 days after the Titanic sank, a movie about it was released. It featured an actress who was actually on the Titanic and survived.

    III.        You give up your power when you don’t take responsibility for your life.

  IV.        Sandra Elaine Allen (June 18, 1955 – August 13, 2008) was an American woman recognized by the Guinness World Records as the tallest woman in the world. She was 7 feet 7 inches (231 cm) tall. Allen wrote a book, Cast A Giant Shadow.

    V.        You can't breathe and swallow simultaneously.

  VI.        Babies don't have kneecaps.

 VII.        You can actually download the entirety of Wikipedia and keep it on a USB drive. Here's the link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download.

VIII.        Shakespeare invented the name Jessica.

   IX.        There's a brewery in Japan that makes beer from elephant dung.

    X.        I.e. is an abbreviation of id est, which means "that is," but you can remember what it means with the phrase "in essence." E.g., on the other hand, stands for exempli gratia, which means "for the sake of example," but can easily be remembered as "example given."

Which is the most weird fact? Please use the comments box. #FactsWithPendusky

Ubong Effiong also known as Pendusky is a Customer Experience Management Personnel with Sterling Bank Plc.


  1. Good work sir. I appreciate.

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